Owner manual

About components
The original matched transistor pairs (2SC1583, 2SC2291) and the monolithic VCA
BA662A are obsolete and already sold out many years ago. There exist broker shops
that still offer these types very expensive, but you cannot be sure that you will get the
original parts anymore and you might get worse replacements fitted into the old SIP-
The old matched transistor pairs have carefully been replaced with modern types,
with the same characteristics of the original components but with reduced tolerances.
The VCA BA662A has been replaced with a new type of VCA with improved dynamic
performance and less noise. The special saturation behavior of the BA662A has
been recreated with an additional circuit.
In all the other circuits, the original and rare transistor types are in use, to get the
sound as close as possible to the TB-303.
Voltage Supply
The M303 has to be connected with the delivered 2x8 ribbon-cable to the +/-12V-
powerbus (e.g. Doepfer).
The secound 2x8 multi-pin-connector on the PCB-board can be used for a flying-bus-
The lowerpin is connected to the –12V.
It is not necessary to supply the M303 with any +5V.
The maximum supply current is +12V/50mA and –12V/20mA
CV-, Gate-, Accent-Bus
If there is no CV-,Gate- and Accent-source connected on the front of the M303, then
the CV-/Gate-, Accent-Bus is connected and the M303 gets the CV/Gate and Accent
e.g. from an Autobot that is supplied on the same power-bus.