User's Manual

Table Of Contents
for UMT Products User Guide 75
received signal strength indicator (RSSI)
A value indicating the strength of the received radio frequency signal.
Data storage locations on the transponder microprocessor that contain a variety of information
that is retrievable by the master station. The type of data in registers includes consumption and
demand data.
Remote Communication Equipment (RCE)
Devices, such as transponders, located at a consumer's premises that collect and transmit
register data through TWACS.
See Received Signal Strength Indicator.
See TWACS Net Server.
Two-way field devices that can receive and send messages to and from the substation.
See Two-Way Automatic Communication System.
See Work Management System.
Work Management System (WMS)
A utility central office application that manages the logistics of placing the necessary
personnel, tools, and parts at a given location at the same time to accomplish a given task. A
WMS may be able to supply the installer with an electronic copy of the list of sites to be
visited on a given day, the tasks to be performed, and even a partial list of the serial numbers
of the affected equipment.
TWACS Net Server (TNS)
Chief component of the entire Two-Way Automatic Communication System. Manages all
collected metering and interval data as well as the connection between the utility and the
consumer’s premises.