User's Manual

Table Of Contents
MTU Instruction
for Rockwell 175-EMCO Gas Meters
Step 5 – Snap the sensor clip onto the
back of the index as shown.
Step 6 – Position the index on the meter
and attach the index using the index
mounting screws removed in Step 3.
Ensure that the meter drive engages the
index drive dog as shown below.
Step 7 – Snap the sensor of the MTU into
the sensor clip as shown.
Step 8 – Using a round file, file a 1/8”
notch .on the lower left corner of the rim
of the index cover. This notch will provide
an exit for the sensor wire.
Step 9 – Route the sensor cable to the
left of the index and position the MTU and
index cover on the meter aligning the
sensor cable with the notch in the meter
body at the bottom left of the index cover.
Fasten the MTU and index cover to the
meter using the original screws removed
in Step 2.
Step 10 – Installation is now complete.
Program the MTU using the STAR
Programmer Software and your Field
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