User's Manual

Table Of Contents
MTU Instruction
for Most Popular Water Meters
Purpose & Scope
This instruction provides wiring information for connecting STAR MTUs to any of the
following popular water meters:
AMCO and/or ABB water meters (all sizes)
equipped with Invision, Scancoder, RS Pulser,
or Type A Industrial Pulser registers and with
the AMCO/ABB V100 (PSMT) meter and the
S130/5UM hot and cold water meters.
Neptune and/or Schlumberger water meters (all
sizes) equipped with ARB-V, Auto/ProRead or
E-Coder PLUS registers.
Sensus and/or Invensys water meters (all sizes)
equipped with ECR or ICE registers.
Hersey water meters equipped with Translator
or ER2 registers.
Badger water meters (all sizes) equipped with Read-O-Matic, RTR or ADE
Metron water meters (all sizes) equipped with OER registers.
Supplies and Tools Required
See Publication 471-2000, General
Installation and Wiring Guidelines for a
complete list of recommended tools and
supplies for MTU Installation.
Installation Procedure
Step 1 - Select a mounting location for
the MTU that will allow optimum signal
transmission, and install any needed
wiring. Be sure to follow all General
Installation and Wiring Guidelines as
outlined in Publication 471-2000.
Step 2 Select the wiring diagram that
applies to the meter you are connecting
and make the appropriate wiring
a. Direct Wiring to Meter - MTU
wiring is supplied stripped to a
standard length that fits water
meters with screw terminals.
Simply wrap the wires around the
screw terminal and tighten the
screw hand tight. Over tightening
the screw can stress and possibly
damage the wire.
b. Water Meter with Integral Cable -
If the water meter is supplied with
an integral cable and a cable-to-
cable splice is necessary, use a
gel-filled wire splice designed for
outdoor (moisture applications) to
seal the individual connections.
471-2002 - 7/24/2006
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