User`s manual

3.5.4 Change CA PIN
Changes CA PIN window is designed for
changing the smart card’s PIN, which is required
if you want change the maturity level settings.
In order to change the PIN, you must know
the current PIN also called the old PIN. Input
the new PIN and twice the PIN (New PIN and
Conrm PIN must be the same) your want to set.
Move cursor to OK button and press OK key, and
then system will pop up a dialogue informing
you the changing result.
3.5.5 Maturity Rating
Input the PIN then Move cursor to Select Maturity Rating,you can select
A-Over18,X-Erotic,G-General audience,PG-Parental Guidance,move cursor
to Change Maturity level button and press OK key,and then system will pop
up a dialogue informing you the changing result.
3.5.6 About Conax CA
In About Coanx CA sub-menu, you can know
the basic information about this conditional
access such as Card Status, CAS System ID,
Interface Version, Card Number, Number of
sessions, Language and so on.
3.6 Parental Lock
Before entering into the Parental Lock window,
you need input the correct password. The
default password is 0000.
1. Menu Lock: Press
keys to select
between O and On. If select “On”, you can not
enter into the most window before entering the
2. Channel Lock: Press keys to select
between O and On. The default value is O. If
select “On, you can not view the locked channel
set in Chanel List Edit window until you have
inputted the correct password.
3. New Password: User numeric key (0-9) to input the new password.
4. Conrm Password: Input the new password once again. Conrm password
must be the same as the New password. System will inform you “Change
password successfully!” while they are the same, or inform you to input the
password of Conrm password once again when they are not the same.
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