User's Manual

The gateway is fully assembled and ready to be deployed upon delivery.
Only one gateway is necessary to ensure the operation of the whole multi-hop wireless
infrastructure. Additional gateway may be necessary depending on
The gateway is linking the wireless network of Eagle devices (ISA100.11a) to an IP network
where the data are processed.
In hazardous environments, the operator has to arrange organizational safety measures
which reliably prevent the occurrence of an ignitable atmosphere, by default reduce the
probability that a flammable atmosphere can occur at all (employing the use of suitable gas
detection systems).
The location of the gateway is very important.
It must be placed at a height of about 5m [16 ft].
It must comply with a maximum radius of 100m [328 ft] radio coverage.
The housing face with OneProd logo indicates the embedded antenna location. This face
must be oriented in the direction of the sensors and expanders.
The radio link is sensible to physical obstacles, such as vehicles, tanks, or walls. If the
distance between the gateway and sensors or expanders exceed 100m [328 ft], it may be
necessary to add an additional expander to improve the signal strength.
Figure 13 : Eagle system overview
100 m
50 m
5 m
1 to 5 m