User Guide

Incremental Backups
Redemption uses an incremental backup method whereby
only new or modified files are saved to the Backup Store at
each backup session. This saves both time and disk space versus
backing up all of the files on the source every time. However,
all previously backed up versions of a file are saved. This way,
Redemption can keep track of a file as it is modified over time.
That's where Snapshots come in.
A Snapshot is a record of all files on the source volume.
Redemption takes a Snapshot of the source volume at each
backup session. While only the most recent Snapshot is saved in
the Catalog File, Redemption saves every Snapshot ever taken to
the destination volume (i.e. your PushButton Drive). In this way
Redemption can keep track of all versions of backed up files in a
very organized and efficient manner.
If you need to restore backed up files to the source volume
(e.g. your computers startup disk), you specify from which
point in time to restore the files by selecting the corresponding
Snapshot. For example, if you want to restore the last backed
up version of a document, you would select the most recent
Snapshot. But if you need to restore an earlier version of the
same document, you can select and earlier Snapshot.