User Guide

Although complete system failures are rare, they do happen.
Redemption provides an easy way to restore a computer that
has been rendered inoperable due to a major malfunction.
Disaster Recovery can only be performed on a computer if the computer's ENTIRE
startup disk was backed up using the Backup operation.
How to prepare your computer for Disaster Recovery:
1. Manually launch Redemption:
If your Drive is equipped with Nomad Mobile Desktop, click the
Backup icon on the Mobile Desktop.
If your Drive is not equipped with Nomad Mobile Desktop, dou-
ble-click the Redemption icon on the desktop.
2. In the main Redemption window, select the Backup group in the
sidebar, and then click the Disaster Recovery icon. The Disaster
Recovery window will open, click Next
3. In the next screen, select a Backup Store and Snapshot, and then
click Next.
Preparing for Disaster