Installation manual

Adding an External Filer
Removing an External Filer
CLI Storage-Management Guide 6-9
bstnA6k(gbl-ext-filer[das1])# exit
This command sequence creates a new filer, “fs1,” with two CIFS shares:
bstnA6k(gbl)# external-filer fs1
This will create a new filer.
Create filer 'fs1'? [yes/no] yes
bstnA6k(gbl-ext-filer[fs1])# ip address
bstnA6k(gbl-ext-filer[fs1])# exit
Removing an External Filer
You can remove an external filer from back-end storage by deleting its configuration.
To be eligible for deletion, the external filer must not be referenced by any
namespace. Use the
show external-filer command (see “Showing External-Filer
Details” on page 6-7) to see if a namespace is referencing the filer.
Use the no form of the
external-filer command to remove an external-filer instance:
no external-filer nas-name
where nas-name (1-64 characters) identifies the external filer.
For example, the following command sequence removes an external filer named
bstnA6k(gbl)# no external-filer finances
bstnA6k(gbl)# ...
The external (NAS, or DAS-based) filers shares are ready to be included in a
namespace volume. The next chapters describe how to configure namespaces and
various types of volumes.