Installation manual

Adding a Direct Volume
Adding a Share
CLI Storage-Management Guide 8-13
Attaching a Virtual Directory to the Back-End Share
The next step is to create a virtual attach-point directory, visible to clients from the
root of the volume, and attach it to a physical directory on the back-end filer. For
example, you can create an attach point named /vol0 (in the /vol volume) and attach it
to the filers /usr/local directory: the client-viewable /vol/vol0 is then the same as
/usr/local on the filer. Clients can mount any level of the volume or attach-point
directory (/vol or /vol/vol0). Mounting below that level (for example, /vol/vol0/work)
defeats the purpose of federating the attach points, so it is not supported.
From gbl-ns-vol-shr mode, use the
attach command to create an attach-point directory
and attach it to one of the filer’s physical directories:
attach attach-point-directory [to physical-directory] [access-list
attach-point-directory (1-4096 characters) is the path of the virtual directory
that the client sees. This is relative to the root of the volume; for example, if
you are in the /home volume and you enter a virtual directory of “aa,” clients
see this attach point as /home/aa.
to physical-directory (optional; 1-1024 characters) specifies the name of the
actual directory on the filer share. Similar to the attach-point directory, this
path is relative to the root of the filer share (established in the
nfs or cifs clause, above). Use a “.” to attach to the root directory
in the share. If you omit this clause, the ARX uses the attach-point-directory
list-name (optional 1-64 characters) is the NFS access list to associate with
this attach point (see “Listing All NFS Access Lists” on page 4-10).
You can use the command multiple times in the same direct share, thereby attaching
to multiple directories on the back-end share. The maximum number of total attach
points is resource- and platform-dependent: a later section describes various limits on
resource usage, including attach points.
Attach-point directories cannot be nested: if you create /var in one attach point, you
cannot create /var/log in another attach point in the same volume.