Installation manual

Adding a Direct Volume
Removing a Direct Volume
8-38 CLI Storage-Management Guide
From priv-exec mode, you can use the remove namespace ... volume command to
remove a volume:
remove namespace name volume volume [timeout seconds] [sync]
name (1-30 characters) is the name of the namespace,
volume (1-1024 characters) is the path name of the volume,
seconds (optional, 300-10,000) sets a time limit on each of the removal’s
component operations, and
sync (optional) waits for the removal to finish before returning. With this
option, the CLI lists the volume components as it removes them.
The CLI prompts for confirmation before removing the volume. Enter yes to
This operation generates a report, “removeNs_namespace_date.rpt,” which catalogs
all of the actions that it took. The namespace in the filename identifies the removed
namespace, and the date is the date and time when the command started. The CLI
shows the report name after you invoke the command. Use
show reports to see the file
listing; use
show, tail, or grep to read the file. To save the report off to an external site,
use the
copy command from priv-exec mode. The command does not create the report
if you use the
sync option; it shows its actions at the command line instead.
For example, this command sequence removes the ‘/trialvol’ volume from the
‘medco’ namespace:
bstnA6k(gbl)# end
bstnA6k# remove namespace medco volume /trialvol