Installation manual

Adding a Managed Volume
Storing Volume Metadata on a Dedicated Share
CLI Storage-Management Guide 9-3
From gbl-ns-vol mode, use the metadata share command to use a dedicated metadata
share for the current volume:
metadata share filer {nfs3 | nfs3tcp | cifs} path
filer (1-64 characters) is the name of the external filer,
nfs3 | nfs3tcp | cifs chooses the protocol to access the share (this can be nfs3
or nfs3tcp for a CIFS-only volume), and
path (1-1024 characters) is the specific export/share on the filer. This
external share cannot be used as a namespace share. Use a unique metadata
share for each volume. Do not use /vol/vol0 on a NetApp filer; this is
reserved for the NetApp operating system, and is not intended for fast
For example, this command sequence sets a metadata share to hold all metadata for
the “wwmed~/acct” volume:
bstnA6k(gbl)# namespace wwmed
bstnA6k(gbl-ns[wwmed])# volume /acct
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol[wwmed~/acct])# metadata share nas1 nfs3 /vol/vol1/meta1
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol[wwmed~/acct])# ...
Using Multiple Metadata Shares
You can create one or more fallback metadata shares in case of a problem with the
first share (for example, the share goes offline) during the volume’s import. If the
volume software fails to initialize metadata at the first metadata share, it uses the next
configured share instead.
For example, the following command sequence configures the “medarcv~/rcrds”
volume with three candidates for metadata. During the import, the volume software
tries each share in the same order as entered here (first nas1, then nas6, then nas3):
bstnA6k(gbl)# namespace medarcv
bstnA6k(gbl-ns[medarcv])# volume /rcrds
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol[medarcv~/rcrds])# metadata share nas1 nfs3 /vol/vol1/meta
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol[medarcv~/rcrds])# metadata share nas6 nfs3tcp /vol/vol2/aco_md
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol[medarcv~/rcrds])# metadata share nas3 cifs acp_meta
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol[medarcv~/rcrds])# ...