Installation manual

CLI Overview
CLI Storage-Management Guide 1-7
bstnA6k(gbl)# namespace wwmed
This command places you into a new mode, as indicated by the new CLI prompt. The
prompt shows the name of the mode, “gbl-ns,” and the name of the configuration
object, a namespace called “wwmed.” Abbreviations are used for mode names (for
example, “ns” instead of “namespace”) to conserve space on the command line.
When you descend to lower modes in the config tree, the prompt offers more
information. To extend the previous example, suppose you enter the following
command to configure the “/local” volume in the wwmed namespace:
bstnA6k(gbl-ns[wwmed])# volume /local
The tilde character (~) separates a parent object from its child: “wwmed~/local”
shows that you are in the “/local” volume under the “wwmed” namespace.
The no Convention
Most config commands have the option to use the “no” keyword to negate the
command. For commands that create an object, the no form removes the object. For
commands that change a default setting, the no form reverts back to the default. As an
bstnA6k(gbl-ns[wwmed])# no volume /local
removes the “/local” volume from the “wwmed” namespace.
The enable/no enable Convention
Many objects and configurations require you to enable them using the enable
command before they can take effect. Likewise, many objects and configurations
require you to first disable them using the
no enable command before you can
complete a related command or function. The
no enable command does not remove
an object; it only disables it until you re-enable it. The
enable/no enable commands
exist in many modes and submodes in the CLI.
For example, the following command sequence enables the namespace named
bstnA6k(gbl)# namespace wwmed