Installation manual

Today’s File Storage
2-2 CLI Storage-Management Guide
Balancing the capacity between these islands means moving popular files between
file servers, but this can be difficult. Each client connects to back-end storage
statically, through an IP address or FQDN, and chooses from a list of shares and paths
that reside at that storage device. Moving files from one storage device to another
means updating the client-side view of IP addresses, share names, and/or file paths.
File storage is therefore static and expensive to manage.
Adaptive Resource Switching solves these expensive problems by creating a virtual
view of back-end storage for the front-end clients. Clients connect to all back-end
storage through a virtual directory structure called a namespace volume. The storage
devices are hidden behind the volume, making it possible to balance capacity and load
at the back end without affecting any client-access on the front-end. An Adaptive
Resource Switch can thereby
optimize the file-storage infrastructure,
adapt file storage to client demands, and
control management costs.
file servers (DA
= nearly empty
= nearly full