Installation manual

Policy for Balancing Capacity
Adding a Share Farm
CLI Storage-Management Guide 12-19
Balancing New Files Based on Free Space
New files, created by the volume’s clients, are distributed round-robin amongst the
shares in the share farm. For example, consider a share farm with shares s1 and s2: the
first new file goes to s1, the second goes to s2, the third goes to s1, and so on. This is
done without regard to free space on each share.
You can configure the share farm to assign new files based on the current free space at
each share. (The ARX gets its free-space numbers from each share every 60 seconds.)
This algorithm assigns new files based on the relative free space at each share: for
example, if s1 has two gigabytes of free space and s2 has one gigabyte of free space,
s1 is assigned twice as many new files as s2.
To balance new-file distribution based on free space, use the
balance capacity
command from gbl-ns-vol-sfarm mode:
balance capacity
For example, the following command sequence distributes new files in the ‘fm1’
share farm based on relative free space (capacity) at each share:
bstnA6k(gbl)# namespace wwmed
bstnA6k(gbl-ns[wwmed])# volume /acct
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol[wwmed~/acct])# share-farm fm1
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-sfarm[wwmed~/acct~fm1])# balance capacity
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-sfarm[wwmed~/acct~fm1])# ...
This balancing of new files cannot be intelligent about the size of the files because they
are distributed at creation time; a file’s size is always zero at the moment it is created.
After the file is written and its size is established, the
auto-migrate rule can migrate the
file to an emptier share as needed.