Installation manual

Grouping Files into Filesets
Grouping Files by Filename
CLI Storage-Management Guide 13-3
For example, the following command set matches files in /www/xml, including all
bstnA6k(gbl)# policy-filename-fileset website
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-name[website])# path /www/xml
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-name[website])# recurse
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-name[website])# ...
Disabling Recursive Matches
From gbl-ns-vol-fs-name mode, use the no recurse command to disable recursive
no recurse
For example, the following command set matches files in /log, excluding all
bstnA6k(gbl)# policy-filename-fileset logs
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-name[logs])# path /log
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-name[logs])# no recurse
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-name[logs])# ...
Matching Against a Wildcard String
To expand your search, you can match against a simple wildcard string to include
multiple directories. All matching directories are included in the fileset’s scope. To
match against wildcards, use the
match keyword with a quoted wild-card string:
path match “wild-card-string [ignore-case]
wild-card-string (1-1024 characters) uses Unix shell conventions, with one
exception (below). The quotes are required. Wild-card conventions are
summarized as follows:
* is any string of 0 (zero) or more characters, including an empty string.