Installation manual

Grouping Files into Filesets
Grouping Files by Filename
CLI Storage-Management Guide 13-5
For example, the following command set uses a regular expression to match all
hidden Unix directories (directories that start with “/.” and have something other than
“.” as their second character):
bstnA6k(gbl)# policy-filename-fileset hiddenFiles
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-name[hiddenFiles])# path regexp “/\.[^\.]”
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-name[hiddenFiles])# ...
Regular Expression Syntax
The regular expression syntax follows the ICU regular expression conventions, which
allow for multiple patterns in the same expression.
Use the following conventions for simple character matches:
. matches any character (including the “/” delimiter between Unix directories).
* matches 0 (zero) or more of the preceding character or expression. For
example, .* matches any string, including the null string.
? matches 0 or one of the preceding character or expression. For example, “z?oo”
matches either “zoo” or “aloof.”
+ matches one or more of the preceding character or expression.
\ matches the next character, even if that character is a special character. For
example, \. matches a period instead of any character, and \? matches a question
Character Groups
[...] matches any one of the enclosed characters. For example, [xyz] matches x, y,
or z.
[a-z] matches any character in the sorted range, a through z.
[^...] matches any character that is not enclosed. For example, [^xyz] matches
any character except x, y, or z.