Installation manual

Grouping Files into Filesets
Grouping Files by Filename
13-6 CLI Storage-Management Guide
Shorthand for Character Groups
\d matches any numeric digit, 1-9.
\D matches any character except a numeric digit.
\t matches a <Tab>.
\n, \f, and \r match various flavors of <Enter>. They are <Newline>, <Form
Feed>, and <Carriage Return>, respectively.
\s matches any white-space character, [\t\n\f\r\p{Z}]. The “\p{Z}” is any
character with the Unicode property, Z.
\S matches any character that is not white space.
Creating Bounds for the Match
{a} matches exactly a of the preceding character or expression. For example,
[xyz]{2} matches exactly two characters where each is x, y, or z.
{a,b} matches at least a but no more than b of the preceding character or
expression. For example, \d{1,4} matches a number that is 1 to 4 digits long.
^... matches the beginning of a line.
...$ matches the end of a line.
Adding Complexity
(...) defines an atom, and
(atom1) | (atom2) matches both expressions. For example, “(/var)|(/usr)” matches
either “/var/log” or “/usr/local/bin.”
(atom1 | atom2) also matches both expressions.
atom1 | atom2 also matches both expressions.