Installation manual

Grouping Files into Filesets
Grouping Files by Size
CLI Storage-Management Guide 13-11
Grouping Files by Size
You can create filesets based on file size. Each filesize fileset contains files
“larger-than” or “smaller-than” a size of your choosing, or files in a range between
two sizes. From gbl mode, use the
policy-filesize-fileset command to create a filesize
policy-filesize-fileset name
where name (1-64 characters) is the name that you assign to the fileset.
The CLI prompts for confirmation before creating the new fileset; enter yes to
continue. This puts you into gbl-ns-vol-fs-filesize mode, where you configure the size
of files in the fileset.
For example, the following command sequence creates a new filesize fileset:
bstnA6k(gbl)# policy-filesize-fileset veryLarge
This will create a new policy object.
Create object 'veryLarge'? [yes/no] yes
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-filesize[veryLarge])# ...