Installation manual

Grouping Files into Filesets
Joining Filesets
CLI Storage-Management Guide 13-21
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-union[bulky])# from fileset xmlFiles
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-union[bulky])# ...
Removing a Source Fileset
Use the no form of the from fileset command to remove a fileset from the list of
no from fileset fileset-name
where fileset-name (1-64 characters) identifies the fileset to remove.
You cannot remove the last source fileset if the union fileset is in use (that is,
referenced by another fileset or used in a rule). The next chapter has configuration
instructions for referencing a fileset from a rule.
For example, the following command set removes a source fileset from the “bulky”
bstnA6k(gbl)# policy-union-fileset bulky
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-union[bulky])# no from fileset xmlFiles
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-union[bulky])# ...
Removing All Source Filesets
Use no from all to remove all source filesets at once:
no from all
As mentioned above, you cannot remove all source filesets if the union fileset is in
For example:
bstnA6k(gbl)# policy-union-fileset testUnion
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-union[testUnion])# no from all
bstnA6k(gbl-ns-vol-fs-union[testUnion])# ...