Installation manual

Grouping Files into Filesets
Listing all Filesets
CLI Storage-Management Guide 13-27
Filename Fileset: images
Name Is:
Path Is: /images/
Recurse: Yes
bstnA6k(gbl)# ...
Showing One Global Fileset
To show a single global fileset, add the global-fileset argument to the end of the show
policy filesets
show policy filesets global-fileset fileset-name
where fileset-name (optional, 1-1024 characters) chooses the fileset.
For example, the following command shows the “fm_pdf” fileset:
bstnA6k(gbl)# show policy filesets global-fileset fm_pdf
Global Policy:
Filename Fileset: fm_pdf
Name Matches Regular Expression: \.(fm|pdf)$ (case ignored)
Recurse: Yes
bstnA6k(gbl)# ...