Installation manual

Shadowing a Volume
Configuring a Shadow-Copy Rule (Source Switch)
CLI Storage-Management Guide 15-29
For example:
bstnA6k(gbl)# show shadow namespace wwmed volume /acct
Focusing on One Rule
Add the Rule clause to specify one shadow-copy rule:
show shadow namespace name volume vol-name rule rule-name
name (1-30 characters) identifies the source namespace,
vol-name (1-1024 characters) identifies the source volume, and
rule-name (1-64 characters) is the name of the rule.
For example:
bstnA6k(gbl)# show shadow namespace wwmed volume /acct rule DRrule
Monitoring the Progress of a Shadow Copy
Use show reports to find the report for the shadow-copy rule, then use tail reports
report-name follow
to monitor the report as it is created.
For example, the following command sequence finds a report on the “bstnA6k”
chassis and tails it:
bstnA6k(gbl)# show reports
Codes: At=Command Scheduler, Diag=Collect Diag-Info, Dstg=Destage,
All shadow-copy reports are written to the ARX that hosts the source volume.