Installation manual

Preparing for NFS Authentication
Adding an NFS Access List
CLI Storage-Management Guide 4-15
Permitting a Netgroup
If you have configured a NIS domain for this access list (see above), you can refer to
a netgroup configured in that domain. This leverages any netgroups that were
configured before the introduction of the ARX. From gbl-nfs-acl mode, use the permit
netgroup command to permit a NIS netgroup:
permit netgroup name [read-only]
name (1-1024 characters) identifies a netgroup from the NIS domain, and
read-only is an optional flag to permit read access but deny writes. If
omitted, this defaults to allowing both reads and writes.
This permits all hosts in the netgroup. As explained earlier, the netgroups users and/or
groups are handled at the back-end filer(s), not the switch.
For example, the following command sequence shows all netgroups in the
“” domain and permits read-only access to host machines in the
“medtechs” netgroup:
bstnA6k(gbl)# show nis netgroup
Total Netgroups: 2396
bstnA6k(gbl)# nfs-access-list eastcoast
bstnA6k(gbl-nfs-acl[eastcoast])# permit netgroup medtechs read-only
bstnA6k(gbl-nfs-acl[eastcoast])# ...