Operation Manual

Mixcraft 6 User Manual38
© 2012 Acoustica, Inc
ReWire is a standard created by Propellerhead Software that allows Mixcraft to interface with other
popular software. This powerful tool allows Mixcraft to access sounds, virtual instruments, and other
features that are unique to these other music programs.
Mixcraft acts as a host (also known as a ReWire Mixer) and other applications work as clients or slaves
(also known as ReWire Devices). The other applications will synchronize their tempo, loop points, and
start and stop times to Mixcraft. MIDI from Mixcraft can be routed to control virtual instruments inside
other applications as well. Audio from these other applications gets routed to Mixcraft, where it can be
mixed, and where effects can be added.
There are two ways to add a ReWire track in Mixcraft.
One method way is to click the Mix menu > Add ReWire Application and select desired Rewire
application. This will add a ReWire track in Mixcraft, and bring up your 3rd party program's interface as a
child window of Mixcraft.
The second method is available on Instrument Tracks. If you select the <ReWire Devices> category and
choose a ReWire application, a new ReWire track will be created for that application, if such a ReWire
track does not already exist.
Once a ReWire track has been created, all transport controls such as play, rewind, and stop, as well as
tempo changes and loop points, will be sent to the Rewire application allowing you to use any features
or that software. Instrument Tracks can also send live or recorded MIDI data to instrument tracks
available in the ReWire application.
All audio generated by the ReWire application will come into Mixcraft on the ReWire track. Just like
other tracks in Mixcraft, you can control the volume, pan, solo, and mute parameters of this audio, and
you can easily add effects and automation to ReWire tracks.