Operation Manual

General User Instructions
1. Metal containers can be used in the AXP with a height no more than 2 inches. Different types of metal
conduct heat at different speeds. Aluminum heats faster than stainless steel. Avoid using silcone pans and
2. Stage cooking aids in retaining the quality of frozen and delicate foods. Finishing baked goods at 0%
Microwave, Fan and IR (Radiant) is a great way to get the added browning and crisping without over cooking.
3. Take advantage of the accessories:
a. Non-Stick Basket (SB10 or TB10): Aids in browning and crisping of food. Also makes cleaning up
easier. Great for breaded products like chicken ngers, fries, mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers.
b. Baking Sheet (1/4 size): Great for foods that do not need directed heat from the radiant element, and
for foods that may drip any grease or seasoning.
c. Oven Paddle (PA10): Aids in removal of sandwiches and pizza from Convection Express™ and AXP
d. Pizza Screen: Great browning and crisping for toasted sandwiches & pizzas, or any food that needs
directed heat from the radiant element.
e. Ceramic Dish: Great for foods that need to be contained such as ready-to-serve foods, cut vegetables
or soups.
f. Pizza Stone(ST10X): Aids in crisping and browning breads and pizzas.
g. Panini Grill Accessory (GR10): Aids in adding grill marks on a product.
4. The most frequently used oven temperature is 520º F (270º C). Reduce the oven temperature if the product is
cooked for an extended period of time.
5. Line the sheet pan with parchment paper for easy removal of food after heating and cleaning.
6. Mufn tins work great for individual cakes & brownies. Spray with cooking spray prior to cooking for easy re-
moval of food after heating.
7. Frequent cleaning prevents unnecessary buildup that may affect the oven performance.
8. Use a cleaner such as ACP Oven Cleaner (CL10) & Oven Shield (SH10) or another cleaning product that does
not contain ammonia, phosphates, chlorine, sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide as they can damage
critical oven parts and may void the warranty on those parts.
9. Items will be hot when nished cooking. Be sure to use oven mit, tongs or pizza paddle to safely remove items
from the oven.
Stage cooking enables you to use up to four different cooking cycles or stages to be used consecutively without
repeated input from the user.
Egg Rolls(Frozen), Total Cook Time: 1:30
Temperature 520° F
Stage 1 Stage 2
Time 1:00 :30
Microwave 100% 90%
Fan 80% 60%
IR 100% 100%