Instruction Manual

Y1-03-0155 Rev. A
The Data/Power cable for your GPS receiver typically has connections for an
external power source and data output. Ensure proper connection.
The External GPS adapter that is supplied with your UNIT has two wires that are
polarized. The wire with the white stripe on it is the + data lead and should be
connected to the + Data lead of your GPS Data/Power connector. The other lead
with no stripe is the - Data lead and should be connected to the - Data lead of your
GPS Data/Power Cable. Use an Epoxy type Heat shrink for weatherproofing
3.2.2 Setup:
The Data protocol your beacon will be accepting is the NMEA 0183 Version 1.5
and above. Set baud rate to 4800 and the GGA sentence string needs to be
enabled. Some GPS receivers have options on what strings are enabled. Ensure
the GGA string is enabled. Consult your GPS manual for further information. This
is a very common standard for GPS receivers.
Check your cable to ensure that the polarity is correct for the + data and – data
leads. It will not work if polarity is wrong.
Your GPS receiver needs to be set to this data protocol for data transfer into the
beacon. If the beacon is not showing conformation of GPS data check, protocol,
baud-rate, ensure GGA string is enabled and cable is wired correctly.
See Figure 4 for known compatible GPS receivers. Consult your GPS manual for
proper data protocol settings.
3.2.3 Testing:
Plug the Adapter into the top of the UNIT into the socket labeled GPS.