User's Manual

The beacon is designed to allow the user to perform periodic testing while the beacon is in
the release bracket.
Category I: Place the beacon into the release bracket with the spooled lanyard inward. The
beacon should now be rmly held in the Category I bracket and ready for automatic deploy-
ment. Do not attach lanyard to bracket.
Category II: Place the beacon into the bracket with the spooled lanyard inward. The beacon
should now be rmly held in the Category II bracket and ready for manual deployment. Do
not attach lanyard to bracket. Use the strap and buckle to secure the beacon. The strap
should be adjusted tight against the beacon; tight enough so that it is almost difcult to en-
gage the buckle. This should be checked periodically.
5.4 Automatic deployment and activation - Category I Beacons
Automatic deployment and activation occurs if the vessel sinks and the hydrostatic release
device frees the beacon from the bracket allowing it to oat to the surface. Built-in sensors
detect that the beacon is no longer in its bracket and is in water. This condition will automati-
cally activate the beacon.
A category I RLB-36 automatically activates using the following sequence:
Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) releases beacon
Beacon becomes wet
Water acts as condutor, electrical connection is made
Beacon is activated
5.5 Manual deployment and activation
The Category I beacon can be manually deployed by removing the retaining pin, removing
the cover, and then removing the beacon from the bracket. Once removed, both the Catego-
ry I and Category II beacons can be activated by placing the beacon in water OR by lifting
the thumb switch to a vertical position, sliding it toward the antenna and pushing down to the
opposite side of the beacon. Activating the beacon in this manner breaks off the Activation
Indicator Plastic Pin and allows the switch to properly seat, showing the “ ▌ “ symbol (ON).
A category I or category II RLB-36 manually activates with the following sequence:
Remove the beacon from its bracket
Activation method one:
Place beacon in water
Activation method two:
Lift the switch to a vertical position
Slide the switch toward the antenna
Push the switch down to the opposite side of the beacon
OFF position: Note the Activation Indicator Plastic Pin
ON position: Notice the Activation Indicator Plastic Pin
has been broken off.
Figure 5