User manual

Participating in a browser-based review
When you receive an email message that invites you to participate in a browser-based
review, opening the FDF attachment opens the online PDF document in your web
browser. The FDF file also configures your review settings for the session and connects
you to the online comments repository. You can add comments, upload them for others to
see, download other reviewers' comments, and change comment status. If you don't want
to review the PDF document using your web browser, you can save the PDF document for
an offline review in Acrobat and upload your comments later.
You cannot edit or delete another reviewer's comments, but you can add a reply. (See
Replying to another reviewer's comments.)
To participate in a browser-based review:
1. Open the FDF attachment in your email application. This configures the review settings,
opens a copy of the PDF document in your web browser, and adds any comments already
added to the document.
Note: If the PDF document does not appear in your browser, you may not have access to
the server where the PDF file is located. Contact the review initiator or your system
2. Use the tools on the Commenting and Drawing Markups toolbars to add comments to the
PDF document. (See About adding comments.) If you want to add comments in Acrobat
instead of in your browser, click Save And Work Offline on the Commenting toolbar.
Working offline in a browser-based review.)
Note: When you're reviewing a PDF document in a web browser, use the commands on
the Acrobat toolbar. In most cases, the menu commands apply to the browser, not to the
PDF document.
3. Click the Send And Receive button in the Commenting toolbar to upload your
comments. This lets you view other reviewers' most recent comments and lets others see
your comments. (See Sending and receiving comments in a browser-based review.)
4. If you want to add more comments later, open the document using the Tracker. (See
Tracking review comments.) Or, if you saved the document offline, open the saved
document, add comments, click Go Back Online on the Commenting toolbar, and upload
your comments. The initiator receives the new and edited comments. Unedited comments
are not duplicated, and deleted comments are not deleted in the initiator's document.
Related Subtopics:
Sending and receiving comments in a browser-based review
Working offline in a browser-based review