Microsoft Exchange

Table Of Contents
you can receive it after registering on the Acronis web site in case you
download the product (also during installation of the product)
Trial Serial Numbers
Acronis allows you to have a trial serial number to be able to use Acronis Recovery for
MS Exchange for 14 days without buying the product. You may obtain the trial serial
number in one of the following ways:
in the CD box
contacting Acronis sales representatives. Visit
You have to sign in (or register) to obtain a trial serial number.
If you downloaded a trial version of Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange from our web
site and want to buy a permanent license to continue using the product, please contact
our sales representatives. In this case you will not have to download the product
again, but only enter a registered serial number during the installation.
Note, the Management Console should be connected to Acronis Recovery for
MS Exchange, otherwise the Registration menu item will not be presented in
the Help menu.
The number of Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange Management Console installations is
not limited.
1.7 Technical Support
As part of a purchased annual Support charge you are entitled to Technical Support as
follows: to the extent that electronic services are available, you may electronically
access at no additional charge, Support services for the Software, which Acronis shall
endeavor to make available twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days per week.
Such electronic services may include, but are not limited to: user forums; software-
specific information; hints and tips; bug fix retrieval via the internet; software
maintenance and demonstration code retrieval via a WAN-accessible FTP server; and
access to a problem resolution database via Acronis customer support system.
Support shall consist of supplying telephone or other electronic support to you in order
to help you locate and, on its own, correct problems with the Software and supplying
patches, updates and other changes that Acronis, at its sole discretion, makes or adds
to the Software and which Acronis makes generally available, without additional
charge, to other licensees of the Software that are enrolled in Support. Upon mutual
agreement by both parties, Acronis shall: (i) supply code corrections to you to correct
Software malfunctions in order to bring such Software into substantial conformity with
the published operating specifications for the most current version of the Software
unless your unauthorized modifications prohibit or hamper such corrections or cause
the malfunction; or (ii) supply code corrections to correct insubstantial problems at the
next general release of the Software.
More information about contacting Acronis Technical Support is available at the
following link: