Administrator’s Guide

Table Of Contents
Monitoring Acronis Storage
Nodes added to the Acronis Storage infrastructure are listed on the NODES screen, grouped by their statuses.
If there are no clusters in Acronis Storage, you will only see a list of the UNASSIGNED nodes. If there are
clusters, you can select one in the drop-down list on the left. The cluster nodes will be listed on the screen
alongside the unassigned nodes.
4.1 Node Statuses
A node can have one of the following statuses:
HEALTHY. All the storage services on the node are running.
OFFLINE. The node cannot be reached from the management panel, although it may still be up and its
services may be running.
FAILED. One or more storage services on the node have failed.
UNASSIGNED. The node is not assigned to a cluster.
4.2 Monitoring Node Performance
To monitor the performance of a cluster node, open the NODES screen and click the node. On the node
overview screen, you will see performance statistics described below.