Administrator’s Guide

Table Of Contents
Chapter 5. Exporting Acronis Storage Cluster Data
InitiatorPortalAddress :
InitiatorSideIdentifier : 400001370000
IsConnected : True
IsDataDigest : False
IsDiscovered : True
IsHeaderDigest : False
IsPersistent : False
NumberOfConnections : 1
SessionIdentifier : ffffe00000b5e020-4000013700000005
TargetNodeAddress :
TargetSideIdentifier : 0001
.. _PSComputerName ::
PSComputerName :
4. To check that the disk has been connected, run
PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-disk
Number Friendly Name OperationalStatus Total Size
------ ------------- ----------------- ----------
1 IET VIRTUAL-DISK SCSI Disk Device Offline 100 GB RAW
You can now initialise the newly mounted disk for use in Microsoft Hyper-V.
For more information, see iSCSI Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell at
5.1.5 Managing iSCSI Users Creating CHAP Accounts for Acronis Storage iSCSI Targets
To create a CHAP account, do the following:
1. On the SERVICES > iSCSI Users screen, click Add user.
2. Specify login, password, and, if necessary, a description for the account. The password should be 12 to
16 characters long for Windows clients to be able to establish connections.