Installation Guide

To support the growing demand for both high performance and high data availability, modern data centers
need a fast, flexible storage solution. Existing solutions, however, are often difficult to manage and maintain,
or not flexible enough (e.g., local RAID arrays), or too expensive (e.g., storage area networks).
Acronis Storage is designed to solve these issues. It can run on commodity hardware, so no significant infras-
tructure investments are needed. It is also is easy to set up and grow on demand.
1.1 About Acronis Storage
Acronis Storage is a software-defined storage solution that allows you to quickly and easily transform low-
cost commodity hardware and network equipment into protected enterprise-grade storage like storage area
networks (SAN) or network-attached storage (NAS).
Acronis Storage is optimized for storing large amounts of data and provides data redundancy (replication and
erasure coding), high availability, self-healing, and storage sharing.
In Acronis Storage, user data is stored on organized clusters of servers in the form of fixed-size chunks. These
chunks are automatically replicated and distributed across available servers in the cluster to ensure high avail-
ability of user data.
Cluster storage space can be exported through access points like iSCSI, S3, or Acronis Backup Gateway.
1.2 Acronis Storage Deployment Overview
To deploy Acronis Storage for evaluation purposes or in production, you will need to do the following: