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5.5 Backup priority
Changing the priority of a backup process can make it run faster or slower (depending on whether
you raise or lower the priority), but it can also adversely affect the performance of other running
programs. The priority of any process running in a system, determines the amount of CPU usage and
system resources allocated to that process. Decreasing the backup priority will free up more
resources for other CPU tasks. Increasing backup priority may speed up the backup process by taking
resources from the other currently running processes. The effect will depend on total CPU usage and
other factors.
You can set up the backup process priority:
Low (enabled by default) - the backup process will run slower, but the performance of other
programs will be increased
Normal - the backup process will have equal priority with other processes
High - the backup process will run faster, but the performance of other programs will be reduced
5.6 E-mail notification
You can specify an e-mail account that will be used for notification of the backup process.
To specify the e-mail settings:
Enter the e-mail address in the E-mail Address field. You can enter several e-mail addresses in a
semicolon-delimited format.
Enter the outgoing mail server (SMTP) in the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) field
Set the port of the outgoing mail server. By default the port is set to 25
Enter the user name in the User Name field