
Assignments (Tab)
Before you commence assignments, please effect the following preparation and verification sequence:
1. Make a sketch of your premises and a list of all the sites (recording stations), elements and persons you want to control.
2. Sketch on hand; take a thorough tour of your premises (you might want to bring a Security Advisor along with you).
3. Note on your list, the 16-character serial number of each iButton to be installed (recording station), confronted with its actual matching installation
4. Your sketch will be useful when you proceed to assign and install all iButtons.
5. All Recording Stations are best installed at a height of 45 inches from the floor level. The use of water sealant around the plate edges is recom-
mended to protect the ink of the paper labels from being washed out during the rain season. Always use both mount plates. iButton mounts can be
installed in walls, doors, furniture, fences, metal surfaces, trees, etc.
The Assignments data Tab was designed for simplicity; with it you will able to effect all assignations of Recording Stations, Guards, Supervisors, plus
whatever elements you desire to control.
Pre-assigned System Messages:
At first hand you will see 3 pre-assigned messages:
Battery Disconnected: Each time the battery of any of your recorders is disconnected, the recorder will record the Time & Date of the event. This
message will appear on the Recordings Screen confronted with the recorder’s serial number and the time & Date of the event.
Isolated Message: Every time a guard reports an incident not related to a particular Recording Station this message will appear on the Recordings
Screen confronted with the Date, Time and Message name.
Low Battery: Every time any of your recorders enters a low battery status, the recorder will record the Time & Date of the event, this message will
appear on the Recordings Screen confronted with the Recorder Serial number and the Date & Time of the event.