
Recordings (Tab) & Report Configuration:
The way your reports will be structured is always commanded or controlled by the settings you choose on the functions Sort
and View, plus the Column Positioning and Column Width controls.
To select a specific pattern to display recordings, select the Sort button. The system will pop-up a window presenting you the following options:
RN (Recorder Number): Select to view all recordings sorted by Recorder Number.
Date/ Time: To sort recordings by Date and Time.
Name: When selected, sorts all recordings by Name.
Message Code: When selected, sorts recordings by Message Code.
Type: When selected, all recordings will be sorted by Type.
Area: Select to view all recordings sorted by Tour Area
Watchman: Select to view all recordings sorted per Watchman.
Page Breaks on printed reports are also controlled by the Sort function.
You can hide or select columns through this function.
1. Press the View button or make a right click on any part of the active screen.
2. A list of column headers will be displayed.
3. The columns to be shown have a checkmark.
4. Click on the header names to select or deselect.
Column Positioning:
The user can reposition columns by simply clicking on the column header and sliding the column to right or left until he reaches the desired position.
Column width can also be set according to needs.