User's Manual

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AI7688H User Manual
Copyright@2016 AcSiP
6.5 Change Wi-Fi AP SSID with USB Drive
Step 1: Create lks7688.cfg file
Create an ASCII text file named lks7688.cfg with following content:
Change THE_AP_SSID to the AP name you want, and change THE_AP_PASSWORD to the
password you want. Save this file to the root directory of a USB drive formatted in FAT32 file
system format.+
Step 2: Attach the USB Drive to the board
Plug an OTG cable to the HOST port, and attach the USB drive to the OTG cable. Reboot and the
AP name will change according to the file. Use THE_AP_PASSWORD you assigned to log-in into
the AP.
Step 3: Reset and press WiFi button
Hold the WiFi button
Press MPU reset button once
Release the WiFi button after the WiFi LED light up
Note that if you hold the WiFi button longer than 5 seconds, it registers as firmware update
instead. So make sure you release the WiFi button shortly after Wi-Fi LED light up.
After those 3 steps, the system will then boot up with the SSID and password specified for
bringing up the Wi-Fi.