User's Manual

Table Of Contents
AI7688H User Manual
Copyright@2016 AcSiP
AWS IoT is a managed cloud service on AWS cloud.You can use AWS IoT Device SDK to
write programs running on AI7688H connects to AWS IoT.
It provides 2 different SDKs, and their compatibility with AI7688H is shown below:
AWS IoT SDK for JavaScript , Embedded C
Environment Setup
To run the SDK examples you'll need an AWS account and optionally AWS CLI(Command
Line Interface)
Use an SD card to expand the root file system. This is because AWS CLI and device SDK
takes considerable amount of disk spaces.
Sign-up an AWS account
Install AWS CLI. You can install the CLI on AI7688H directly with pip install awscli or use
your PC to install it.
Generates certificates required by the examples by following the instructions in AWS IoT
Device SDK.
Copy the certificates, private key, and root-CA file to AI7688H to ~/certs directory. You
can follow the instructions here to copy files.
AWS IoT SDK for JavaScript
Simply follow the npm installation steps:
Note that there will be two missing optional dependencies utf-8-validate@1.2.1 and
bufferutil@1.2.1 - this can be ignored.
Make sure you have copied proper certification files to ~/certs directory before running
the examples.
Then you should be able to run the examples from the SDK: