User's Manual

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AI7688H User Manual
Copyright@2016 AcSiP
Then, call pin.write(0) to set the pin state to LOW or call pin.write(1) to set the pin state
to HIGH. To make the Wi-Fi LED blink periodically, set pin 44 (WLED_N) to GPIO mode and
execute the following code
There’s another GPIO mode which is INPUT. It takes the digital signal input from the pin and
interprets it into 1 and 0. This example will continuously print out the value received from
P10 on the board. You can short 3V3 and P10 to observe the change in values
Finally, an interrupt service routine can be installed to the pin and invoked when the values
of the input pin P10 (GPIO2) has changed. Call isr API with the trigger type you want to
register and the function to be called. Note that the function runs in a different thread.