User's Manual

CAS/Part No.9005000
Non-threat Traffic, indicates other targets within the range of the display
whose relative altitude is greater than ±1200 feet (365.76 meters) vertically
or a distance greater than six nautical miles from own aircraft.
Proximity Traffic, indicates the target is within ±1200 feet (365.76 meters)
vertically or within six nautical miles of own aircraft.
The two levels of advisories include:
Traffic advisories (TA) indicate the range, bearing, and relative altitude of the
intruder to aid in visual acquisition of the intruder.
Resolution advisories (RA) indicate a vertical maneuver to be performed or
avoided in order to assure safe separation.
Traffic advisories can be displayed on a Vertical Speed Indicator/Traffic and
Resolution Advisory (VSI/TRA) display, Electronic Flight Instrument System
(EFIS) or any instrument that displays the appropriate symbology and conforms
to the definition of ARINC Characteristic 735b.
Resolution advisories can be displayed on the VSI/TRA display, EFIS or any
other indicator that displays the appropriate symbology and conforms to the
definition of ARINC Characteristic 735b.
Figure 1-1 shows the various types of intruder equipment and the resulting
advisories. It should be noted that Mode A equipped intruders result in detection
and display of TAs only. An intruder not equipped with a transponder is invisible
to TCAS.
Communication with another TCAS-equipped aircraft is provided by the
embedded diversity Mode S transponder or an external onboard diversity Mode
S transponder. Only one onboard Mode S transponder is required for T
operation. However, the ACSS T
CAS operates with either of two onboard Mode
S transponders, one of which operates as a spare. The transponder in use is
selectable from the Flight Deck. Figure 1-2 shows the communication between
two TCAS equipped aircraft. Configuration A shows communication between a
CAS with the embedded transponder and another aircraft. Configuration B
shows communication between a T
CAS with an external transponder and
another aircraft.
Pub. No. 8600200-001, Revision 004
04 Nov 2014
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