User's Manual

TCAS 3000 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
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Page 417
15 Dec 2005
Table 41. TCAS 3000 Computer Unit Loading/Gradient Specifications (cont)
Connector Pin
Functional Description
RBP7G Cable Delay Signal Program Pin (NO)
The cable delay program pins (RBP7G, RBP7H, and RBP7J) convey to the TCAS
computer unit the amount of delay differential between the top and bottom antenna
cables. Pin RBP7G determines whether a time delay is added to the top or bottom. If
this pin is open, the time delay is added to the top. If this pin is ground (connected to
program pin RBP7K), the time delay is added to the bottom. The cable delay logic is
given below. Program common for the cable delay program pins is RBP7K.
RBP7H RBP7J Differential
(MSB) (LSB) Delay Adjustment
Open Open 050 nsec No Change
Open Ground 51150 nsec Add 100 nsec delay
Ground Open 151250 nsec Add 200 nsec delay
Ground Ground 251350 nsec Add 300 nsec delay
RBP7H Cable Delay MSB Program (NO)
See RBP7G.
RBP7J Cable Delay LSB Program Pin (NO)
See RBP7G.
RBP7K Program Common
This is the ground source for use with program pins.
Reserved Program Pins
RBP8E SelfTest Test Inhibit Program Pin (NO)
This program pin determines if selftest will be inhibited while airborne. If grounded, this
pin inhibits selftest while airborne. If open, selftest is enabled while airborne.
RBP8F TA/RA Display Symbol Maximum 16 Program Pin (NO)
The TCAS computer unit establishes the number of intruder symbols to be displayed on
the TA display through the program pins RBP8F, 8G, 8H, 8J, and 8K. This number
can vary between 0 and 31, depending on the programming that is a summation of the
selected pins. Connecting one of these pins to program common (RBP7K) indicates
the associated pin is not selected and that its value is not included in the summation.
Leaving the pin open designates the associated pin is selected and its value is included in
the summation. The encoded number is placed within the RTS data word (label 357) and
sent to the display. The display should then limit the intruder symbols to this number.
RBP8G TA/RA Display Symbol Maximum 8 Program Pin (NO)
See RBP8F.
RBP8H TA/RA Display Symbol Maximum 4 Program Pin (NO)
See RBP8F.