User's Manual

TCAS 3000 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
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Page 620
15 Dec 2005
The MALE VOICE line (line 7) displays the Male Voice Program input status (Pin
RMP11C). This option allows audio annunciation to be selectable for either male or
female gender. If pin RMP11C is grounded, the male voice option is enabled (ON).
If pin RMP11C is open, the female voice option is enabled (OFF).
The DISPLAY FLT ID line (line 8) displays the Flight ID Program input status (Pin
RMP11B). This program allows flight identification from the transponder to be
output on traffic display busses. If pin RMP11B is grounded, Flight ID Display is
enabled (ON). If pin RMP11B is open, Flight ID Display is disabled (OFF).
The ADSB SURV line (line 9) displays the ADSB surveillance program input status
(Pin RMP10K). This program allows the passive tracking of intruders who squitter
ADSB squitters containing position information. If pin RMP10K is grounded, the
ADSB surveillance option is enabled (ON). If pin RMP10K is open, the ADSB
surveillance option is disabled (OFF). To activate this option, the TCAS CU must also
have hardware MOD C installed.
(12) Part Numbers Page
Selection of code 0013 displays the Part Numbers Page, Figure 614. This page
displays the software part numbers loaded on the TCAS Computer.
Figure 614. Typical Option Pins Status Page
E. TCAS Computer Unit SelfTest
The TCAS computer unit detects system faults and displays them on its front panel
annunciators. Its flight leg memory stores system status and fault information for 10
consecutive flight legs. A flight leg is the interval between weightoffwheels and weight
onwheels during which TCAS is operative. By recalling the stored data, ground
maintenance personnel can evaluate inflight performance on the ground and fault
isolate a current or previous failure to a specific LRU or LRU interface.
Table 63 summarizes how the TCAS computer unit selftest is activated at powerup,
during operation, and during commanded selftest. The computer unit can activate the
commanded selftest only when the aircraft is on the ground.