User guide

eWON 500-2001-4001-4002 User Guide - Export Block Descriptors
eWON 500®2001®4001®4002® Version 4_3_0 - User Guide - 10/5/05 - ©ACT'L sa - Page 192
11 Export Block Descriptor
Exports are used to export eWON data.
Export block can be used in the following situations:
• Attach eWON data to an eMail
• Include eWON data into an eMail content
• Make a FTP PUT of eWON data from the eWON to a FTP server
• Make a FTP GET from a FTP client out of the eWON FTP server
• Include data in an eWON HTML custom page.
• Access data in Basic with OPEN “exp:.....”
In all these cases, an Export Block Descriptor will be used to describe the data to export.
11.1 Export block descriptor
An Export Block Descriptor is a string of characters describing the eWON data to export with a precise syntax.
Typically, the Export Block Descriptor will answer the following questions:
• What eWON data to export (Event log, Historical logging, etc.)?
• How to format the data to export (Binary, Text, Html table, Graphic)?
• From what time?
• To what time?
• What Tag is concerned?
• …?
This list is NOT complete, and this information is not required for all type of data to export, but it gives an idea of what we describe
in an Export block descriptor.
Example of Export blocks descriptor:
The export syntax is composed of a sequence of fields followed by its value.
A field is a 3 characters identifier starting with $ and followed by 2 lower cap letters (case sensitive).
• The first letter of the parameter value follows immediately the second letter of the field.
• The parameter is considered up to the first space found or until a $ or a [ is detected.
• The parameter can also be placed between quotes ("). In that case the parameter value is the value between the quotes.
The following fields are defined:
$dtHL $ftT $st_m10 $et_0 $tnMyTag $fnData.csv
Fields Description
$dt Data type
$ft Export format
$st Start time
$et End time
$tn Tag name
$ut Update last time
$ct Compression type
$fl Group filter
Table 110: Export Block Descriptor fields description