Firmware Users Manual V7.00.44
OSD/Privacy Mask
The section OSD / Privacy Mask allows user to do one of the two on-video
NOTE: Privacy Mask is not available on zoom and PT(Z) cameras under the E and B camera
series as well as on hemispheric cameras in ePTZ mode.
1. Add text to the upper or lower left corner of the video. This function is called Text Overlay or
On-Screen Display (OSD). It is possible to display the camera name, date and time, IP
address or any custom text as Text Overlay. The text is kept as small as possible and is
not resizable. The text can be read normally when the video is enlarged on the display to 1:1
ratio. The purpose of having the text so small is to provide sufficient legal evidence while
blocking the smallest possible area of the video to avoid valuable video evidence being
blocked by text overlay. The text will be embedded into video and cannot be removed later
upon playback or export.
2. Cover up some sensitive areas of the video that should not be captured by the camera, such
as managers computer screen or bathroom entrance. This function is called Privacy Mask.
It is possible to configure several independent regions for masking. Microsoft Internet
Explorer browser is required to configure the Privacy Mask. The privacy masks will be
embedded into video and cannot be removed later upon playback or export.
Text Overlay (OSD) Setup
It is possible to define up to 4 regions of text. If more than 1 region of text is enabled and
positioned in the same location, then the texts will appear one below another, row by row. Note
that all 4 regions of text overlay will take effect on all streams 1, 2, and 3 but can still be
individually enabled or disabled individually per video stream.
In the example above, one region of text was enabled with blue color and 50% transparency,
located at left lower corner and containing the text of Office Viewtogether with current date. The
date would be automatically changing every day, according to cameras date and time settings.