
GmbH Alter Hellweg 111 44379 Dortmund Email: Web:
© actidata GmbH 2009, actidata is a registered trademark of actidata GmbH.
actiNAS Series
The actiNAS Series allows simplification of the ever-growing need
for business continuity and data retention. Providing storage
solutions that are designed to provide low total cost of ownership,
high performance, robust functionality and unparalleled ease of use.
Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5504
(4MB L3 Cache, 2.0GHz)
Intel Dual Core E6300 (2MB L2
Cache, 2.8GHz, 1066MHz FSB)
2GB standard, expandable to 8GB
(DDR3-1066/1333 DIMM memory)
2GB standard, expandable to 32GB
(DDR3-1066/1333, ECC / non-ECC
DIMM memory)
1 1 (upgradable to 2)
3GB standard, expandable to 96GB
(DDR3-1066/1333, ECC / non-ECC
DIMM memory)
Intel Quad-Core Xeon X3430
(8MB L3 Cache, 2.4GHz)
No. of CPU
1U 2U 3U
Form Factor
Electrical Rating
Operating Systems
NAS Operating Systems
Network File System Protocol
Management Interface
Management Protocol Support
ac tid ata G m bH , b ase d i n D or t mu nd (Ge rm a ny ) , is a y oun g a nd in nov ati ve IT co m pa n y wit h o ut s ta n di ng sol ut i on s c omp ete nc y i n t h e bac ku p a n d arc hiv in g a r ea .
Th e c o mp any is ac t ive in the co r e m ar k et in E ur o pe and As i a a nd f oc u se s o n th e c o rp o ra te c us t om e r s eg m en t . a ct i da t a a ims at est abl is h in g it sel f a s a l ea d in g
st ora ge p r ov i de r in th e B2B a rea . A hig hl y m ot i va t ed a n d ex p er ien ced t ea m o f pr o fe ssi ona ls i s c om m it ted t o the s upe ri o r qu a li t y an d r el iab ili ty o f t he a c ti dat a
pr odu ct s : T h es e in cl u de t ap e dr ive s, a ut o lo ade rs a nd l ib r ar ies ba s ed on t he L TO t ap e te chn olo gy p la t fo rm a s w e ll as t he d is k -b ase d r e mo v ab le s tor ag e sy ste m
ac tiD is k R D X. Th e p rod uc t r a ng e o f t he st o ra g e exp ect f
ur the r i nc l ud e s L TO an d R DX me d ia .
A b o u t a c t i d a t a
HDD Interface Technology
No. of HDD
Type of RAID
Raid level Support
Serial-ATA ll / SAS 3Gbps
8 (maximum 2.0TB capacity per
HDD bay or more by adding
additional RAID enclosures)
16 (maximum 2.0TB capacity per
HDD bay or more by adding
additional RAID enclosures)
4 (maximum 2.0TB capacity
per HDD bay)
Hardware Serial-ATA ll / SAS RAID
RAID level 0, 1, 3, 5 and 6
2 x Auto Sensing Gigabit NICs
embedded 10/100/1000 Mbps (RJ45)
N.A. (optional Add-on)
2 x USB 2.0 port
1 x Serial port
SMB / CIFS, NFS, DFS, Appletalk, HTTP & FTP
Remote Desktop
SNMP, SMTP notification
Access Control Active Directory Service, UNIX NIS
Snapshot Technology Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Services (VSS)
Backup Software Windows Backup (or optional 3rd party that supports WSS 2008)
Anti-Virus Optional 3rd party that supports WSS 2008
Microsoft® WSS™ 2008 64bit
Workgroup Edition
Microsoft® WSS™ 2008 64bit
Standard Edition
Microsoft® WSS™ 2008 64bit
Standard Edition
Single PSU Single PSU Redundant Power Supply
Auto ranging 100 to 240 VAC @ 50/60 Hz
Rated Current 3.2-6.3 Amp 10 - 14 Amp4-8.5 Amp
Rated Current 450W 800W560W
1 x Serial port 1 x Serial port
4 x USB 2.0 port 4 x USB 2.0 port
N.A. (optional Add-on) N.A. (optional Add-on)
N.A. (optional Add-on) N.A. (optional Add-on) 1 x Integrated SAS port
4 x Auto Sensing Gigabit NICs
embedded 10/100/1000 Mbps (RJ45)
4 x Auto Sensing Gigabit NICs
embedded 10/100/1000 Mbps (RJ45)
RAID level 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 30, 50,
60 or JBOD
RAID level 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 30, 50,
60 or JBOD
Hardware Serial-ATA ll / SAS RAID Hardware Serial-ATA ll / SAS RAID
Solid State Drive (SSD)
- 32GB 32GB
Serial-ATA ll / SAS 3Gbps
Serial-ATA ll (Hot Swappable) /
SAS 3Gbps
We care about data
actiNAS 1600 /JBODactiNAS 800actiNAS 400