User guide

Company Confidential
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office.
All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2007
Improving GPS Performance Best Practices:
Always operate with current Express GPS Connect data and automatically update
Express GPS Connect.
It should take 1-2 minutes to compute the first position fix. After you obtain the first fix,
Express GPS Connect will operate at the optimum GPS performance levels.
Keep away from other electronic devices that may emit radio waves
Protect from extreme temperature variations and violent shocks.
Open Sky = Better Position Coordinates
First time use, stay in fixed open sky position until position is validated.
If you have traveled more than 500 miles since you last used your MC-35, or if the unit
has been reset, the next position computation should be performed under open sky
conditions, and extra time should be allowed.
When traveling to a different time zone, be sure to change the MC-35's time zone
Setting GPS Default Settings:
While in Settings, click on the System Tab/GPS/GPS program port: COM8
Select the Hardware TAB/Baud Rate: 4800
How to use Blue Tooth?
1) The following headsets are compatible with the MC35:
Model #s
Explorer 320