User manual

Setting up
Static IP Addresses
This chapter details how to set up the Modem with a static IP address. The first
section explains the configuration using a single static IP address; the second sec-
tion explains the configuration using a block of static IP addresses.
Configuring for a Single Static IP Address
To set up the Modem to use a single static IP address:
Note: To complete this procedure, the Internet Service Provider
(ISP) worksheet or welcome letter must be available to consult.
If no worksheet has been provided, contact the ISP.
1. Open the Web browser. In the Address text box type:
then press Enter on the keyboard.
2. The Qwest Home screen appears, set to the Status tab. Select Advanced
Setup from the row of tabs at the top.
Note: If the Qwest Home screen does not appear, make sure the
Ethernet cable is properly connected to the Modem.