Owner's manual

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A – 31
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PID Definitions
PRES TORQ Pressure Torque Signal
PRESENT GEAR Present Gear Ratio
PRESSURE(V)/(PSI)/(KPA) Pressure
PRNDL Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive, Low Lever (Gearshift Lever Position)
PRNDL SWITCH Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive, Low Switch
PROD MY Production Model Year
PRO STEER MTR Pro Steering Motor
PROM ID Programmable Read-Only Memory Identification
PS LOAD SW Power Stearing Load Switch
PS PRESS SW Power Steering Pressure Switch
PS PRESS(V)/(PSI)/(KPA) Power Steering Pressure
PSP Power Steering Load Present
PSPS Power Steering Pressure Switch
PTO STATUS Power Take Off Status
PTU SOLENOID Power Take Up Solenoid
PURGE A/D Purge Adaptive
PURGE DC Purge Solenoid Duty Cycle (non-linear)
PURGE FDB Purge Current Feedback
PURGE LEARN Purge Learned Memory
PURGE LRN B1 Purge Learn Memory Bank 1
PURGE LRN B2 Purge Learn Memory Bank 2
PURGE MON Purge Monitor
PURGE SOL Purge Solenoid
PWM O2S HTR Pulse Width Modulated Oxygen Sensor Heater
PWR DWN Power Down Timer
PWR ENRICH Power Enrich
QUAD DRIVER 1 Quad Driver Status
QUAD DRIVER 2 Quad Driver Status
QUAD DRIVER 3 Quad Driver Status
QUAD DRIVER 4 Quad Driver Status
R PSHAFT Rear Propshaft Speed
R/L AVG TIME Rich To Lean Average Time
R/L L/R RT Rich/Lean To Lean/Rich Ratio
R/L TRANS Rich/Lean Transitions
R-L FLAG Rich - Lean Flag
R-L STAT B1S1 Rich To Lean Status Bank 1 Sensor 1
R-L STAT B1S2 Rich To Lean Status Bank 1 Sensor 2
R-L STAT B1S3 Rich To Lean Status Bank 1 Sensor 3
R-L STAT B2S1 Rich To Lean Status Bank 2 Sensor 1
R-L BNK 1 Rich / Lean Bank 1
R-L BNK 2 Rich / Lean Bank 2
RAD FAN RELAY Radiator Fan Control Relay
RAD FAN RLY Radiator Fan Control Relay
RAD TEMP Radiator Output Temperature
REAR O2S Rear Oxygen Sensor Volts
REAR SLIP Rear Slippage
REDUCED ENG PWR Reduce Engine Power
REF HIGH Reference High Voltage
REF LOW Reference Low Voltage
REF PULSE Reference Pulse
REL FRP Relative Fuel Rail Pressure
REL TPS Relative Throttle Position
Extended Description