Instructions / Assembly
NextBolt User Manual
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Verifying Fingerprints:
Process of authentication by scanning enrolled fingerprints to:
A) Unlock the door
B) Authenticate Administrators enrolled fingerprints to program the
Actuator Systems NextBolt.
Before enrolling and verifying fingerprints, make sure to
read the following helpful hints for Fingerprint
Enrollment and Verification:
Generally, the center of the vortex (swirl) of the fingerprint pattern is the
key data point; ideally, it is placed in the center of the small glass
window in a consistent way. Your finger should be flat, motionless and
held with light pressure in the same way each time. See the picture
below for some guiding drawings.
Light pressure when placing the finger on the scanner gives the best image,
but the finger must not move during scanning.
Moist fingers provide better images than dry ones. If on cold, dry days you
have difficulty, for example, try moistening your finger with your breath or
a little lotion.
Very dry, dirty or scarred fingers are obviously not recommended, since
they will obscure the fingerprint. The pointer finger is, by far, the best
fingerprint to enroll. The thumb is the second best digit.
If the pointer finger is difficult to enroll or verify, try enrolling the same
NON ADMIN fingerprint 2 or 3 times at slightly different angles. EX:
Enroll same pointer finger as users 3, 4 and 5. In the event you still have
trouble enrolling fingerprints we have included 2 fingerprint pads in your
box. Moisten your fingers with one of these pads prior to enrollment. These
dramatically increase the quality of the enrollment. Once enrolled these
pads may be discarded.