User's Guide

Rev. 1
HEXAPAD 10 BC USB How to send the commands to the reader? (Linux and Mac OS)
On Linux operating systems you can also use Putty as explained above for Windows.
For Mac OS and Linux you can use the "screen" program as below.
(Mac OS)
$ screen /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXXXX 115200
Where "XXXXXX" is a unique identifier number generated by the operating system.
(Linux) using screen.
To connect using the screen:
$ screen /dev/ttyACMx
On linux to have permission to use the serial port, run the command with super user
permission (sudo) or add your user to the dialout group using the following command:
$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
To take effect, you need to restart the system.