User Manual

© Adam Equipment Company 2010
The scale can be controlled by a computer using the following
commands. The commands must be sent in upper case letters,
i.e. “T” and not “t”. The input and output formats are as given below.
Input commands format:
Z <cr> <lf>
Tares the scale to display the net weight- same as
pressing [Tare/Zero]
H <cr> <lf>
Sets the scale to hold if the hold function is enabled.
Same as pressing the [Hold] key
N <cr> <lf>
Sends the net weight to the RS-232 interface.
G <cr> <lf>
Sends the gross weight to the RS-232 interface.
T <cr> <lf>
Sends the tare weight to the RS-232 interface.
Output format:
+ 2.00 kg
+ 1.00 kg